Prestige Worldwide Apps, Inc Приложения

HMR Diet Guide 0.0.2
Prestige Worldwide Apps, Inc
Health Management Resources (HMR) is aprovider of weight management programs, products and services tothe medical community in the United States. HMR helps to establishmedical and behavioral intervention programs in hospitals, medicalschools, and medical practices across the U.S. In addition to theseclinic-based programs, HMR also offers programs that dieters can doon their own, with or without additional support. The basis of thetreatment program is learning how to make lifestyle changes to loseweight and maintain the weight loss. HMR has published a number ofresearch studies on the program results, including several onparticipants who have lost 100 pounds or more over a number ofyearsThe HMR Diet was developed more than 30 years ago by LawrenceStifler, a behavioral psychologist and president of HMR. Itcombines partial liquid fasting with low calorie meals and snacksfor a complete diet plan, which they recommend for patients whoneed to lose over 40 lbs. The most intense portion of the HMR dietis within the first six-week period, where patients often lose themost weight.The HMR diet consists of several phases to help patients adaptto healthier eating habits. During phase 1, the goal is forpatients to lose weight quickly with home delivery of prepackagedmeals and healthy lifestyle strategies to promote exercise andactivity. Patients transition into phase 2 once the desired weightloss is achieved; the diet takes on less structure but stillfocuses on healthy eating habits learned during phase 1. An averageweight loss of 23 pounds during the first 12 weeks is expected whenpatients follow the plan accordingly and do not enter phase 2 untila goal weight is reached.This is a complete guide to the HMR Diet. We researched all of themost accurate and scientific info, and collected it in this dietapp.The HMR Diet Guide covers:-The Basics: How does meal replacement work?-The Benefits: Rapid Weight Loss-Dangers, Disadvantages and Side-Effects of the Diet-Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)-How to Get Started-Foods: Phase 1-Foods: Phase 2-Recipe LinksLet us know what you would like to see added, Thanks!
Paleo Diet Guide - Primal Eats 3.0.0
Prestige Worldwide Apps, Inc
The Paleo diet can help you lose weight by eating how our primalancestors did.
Beer Dictionary A-Z 5.0.0
Prestige Worldwide Apps, Inc
Beer Terms and Definitions 560+
17 Day Diet Guide 2.0.0
Prestige Worldwide Apps, Inc
The 17 Day Diet's main benefit is rapid weight loss and fat burningin 3 cycles.
Raw Food Diet Guide 3.0.0
Prestige Worldwide Apps, Inc
Raw Foodism is a dietary approach of only eating uncooked,unprocessed foods.
Fertility Diet Guide 3.0.0
Prestige Worldwide Apps, Inc
A 10 step diet to increase ovulation and improve your odds ofgetting pregnant
Stem Cell Therapy Guide 1.0.1
Prestige Worldwide Apps, Inc
Stem Cell Therapy Treatment Guide helps you become informed withthelatest stem cell treatments and educates you on whatisscientifically proven, and what is controversial or maybe a scaminthe medical stem cell treatment industry. Stem cells arethestarting point from which the rest of the body grows. Theadulthuman body is made up of hundreds of millions of differenttypes ofcells specialized for different tasks. Nerve cells for thebrainand nervous system; muscle cells; red blood cells to carryoxygen;white blood cells to fight infection; gut cells toabsorbnutrients; cells to make hormones, cells to break downtoxins;cells to store fat; cells to make hair; cells to linebloodvessels. All of these highly specialized cells have to growfromunspecialized stem cells. Stem cells produce new cells bydividing.In the right conditions, these new cells can then continuetodivide and differentiate into specialized cells. Stem cellscanalso divide to produce new stem cells to replace themselves.Stemcells have three properties that set them apart from othercells:1. They are self-replicating. Most body cells can go throughalimited number of divisions and then die. Stem cells cancontinueto divide indefinitely. 2. They are undifferentiated. Thismeansthat they do not have any of the specialized featuresassociatedwith most of the cells in the body -- such as muscle,nerves, fat.3. They can divide and develop into cells of othertypes, to agreater or lesser degree.
Kosher Recipes - Jewish dietar 1.0.0
Prestige Worldwide Apps, Inc
1000s of free recipes for the kosher dietary standards oftraditional Jewish law
Immune Boosting Recipes - Scie 1.0.0
Prestige Worldwide Apps, Inc
Recipes designed around foods that support and boost the immunesystem's defense
Pescatarian Diet Recipes - Veg 1.0.0
Prestige Worldwide Apps, Inc
Free recipes for the pescatarian diet - Fish and Vegetarian
My Keto Low Carb Diet Tracker 9.0.7
Prestige Worldwide Apps, Inc
Ketosis food tracker, net carb counter, simple keto macrocalculator, meal plan
Barista Coffee Dictionary A-Z 5.0.0
Prestige Worldwide Apps, Inc
Barista approved A-Z dictionary/glossary of over 450 coffee relatedterminology.
My Dash Diet: Food Tracker and 5.6.3
Prestige Worldwide Apps, Inc
Personalized dash diet meal plan to lower blood pressure andhealthy weight loss
Leaky Gut Guide 0.0.2
Prestige Worldwide Apps, Inc
Leaky gut may cause chronic gut inflammation, nutritionaldeficiencies and more.
MyMedi: Mediterranean Diet Tra 5.6.3
Prestige Worldwide Apps, Inc
Healthy Mediterranean Recipes, Macro Tracker for Weight Loss,Disease Prevention
Gluten Free Diet Guide 3.0.0
Prestige Worldwide Apps, Inc
A Gluten-Free-Diet can relieve symptoms of Celiac Disease andGluten Sensitivity
Alkaline Diet Guide 3.0.0
Prestige Worldwide Apps, Inc
Unlike many other strange diets, the alkaline diet is actuallyquite healthy.
HCG Diet Guide 2.0.0
Prestige Worldwide Apps, Inc
The HCG Diet can help you lose weight as well as fat in unwantedareas.
Low Glycemic Recipes & Meal Pl 2.0.0
Prestige Worldwide Apps, Inc
1000s of low GI diet recipes to help stabilize blood sugar &reduce inflammation
My Fodmaps: IBS Diet Guide and 1.6.0
Prestige Worldwide Apps, Inc
Low Fodmap recipes, a to z food list, reduce & manage ibs &sibo symptoms easily
Macrobiotic Diet Guide 2.0.0
Prestige Worldwide Apps, Inc
Regardless of claims, the Macrobiotic Diet can be a healthy dietand lifestyle
Jerga - Spanish Slang from dif 1.0.0
Prestige Worldwide Apps, Inc
Spanish speaking countries uses different words for everyday lifeconversations
Stoicism Quotes - Mindfulness 1.0.0
Prestige Worldwide Apps, Inc
100s of Stoic Quotes from Stoic Philosophers such as MarcusAurelius & Epictetus
My Shib Coin Price Tracker 1.2.3
Prestige Worldwide Apps, Inc
The Shiba Inu Coin Tracking app lets you easily view the price,anddaily, weekly, monthly and 2 month percent change of the valueofthe SHIB Coin. Enter in how much SHIB coin you have to easilyseethe value of it in USD everytime you open the app. No extrasandbloat to clutter up the screen. Simply just SHIB pricesandperformance numbers Dark and Light Theme available in thesettings.The SHIB tracker has the available language settings:English,Spanish, Portuguese, French, German
Portfolio Analysis for SafeMoon 1.2.0
Prestige Worldwide Apps, Inc
The SafeMoon Coin Tracking app lets you easily view the price,anddaily, weekly, monthly and 2 month percent change of the valueofthe SAFEMOON Coin. Enter in how much SAFEMOON coin you havetoeasily see the value of it in USD every time you open the app.Noextras and bloat to clutter up the screen. Simply justSAFEMOONprices and performance numbers Dark and Light Themeavailable inthe settings. The SafeMoon tracker has the availablelanguagesettings: English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German
My Avax Coin Tracker Avalanche 1.2.2
Prestige Worldwide Apps, Inc
The Avalanche Coin Tracking app lets you easily view the price,anddaily, weekly, monthly and 2 month percent change of the valueofthe AVAX Coin. Enter in how much AVAX coin you have to easilyseethe value of it in USD every time you open the app. No extrasandbloat to clutter up the screen. Simply just AVAX pricesandperformance numbers Dark and Light Theme available in thesettings.The AVAX tracker has the available language settings:English,Spanish, Portuguese, French, German
Crypto Utility - Eth Gas Fees 1.2.2
Prestige Worldwide Apps, Inc
The Crypto Utility Eth Gas Tracker app will help you quicklyviewthe current gwei gas prices on the ethereum network toperformtransactions. Features Included: - Ethereum Price - Slow,Standard,Fast and Instant gwei gas fee options - ERC20 TokenTransfers,UNISWAP Swap, and UNISWAP Add or Remove LP gas geeestimates -Darkand Light Mode - 5 Language Options (English,Spanish, Portuguese,French, German) - More features to come soon
Crypto Market Cap Tool Convert 1.0.0
Prestige Worldwide Apps, Inc
The Crypto Market Cap Utility Converter helps you toquicklyvisualize what your portfolio would be worth if your tokenmoonedto another coins market cap (or tanked!). For example if youowned100 AVAX avalanche tokens, what would they be approximatelyworthif the market cap of Avalanche grew to the market cap ofEthereum.Simple input this data into the cryptocurrency market captool andit will output the estimated price of AVAX.
Meme Stock Portfolio Tracker 1.1.2
Prestige Worldwide Apps, Inc
The MEME Stock Tracking app lets you easily view the price,anddaily, weekly, monthly and 2 month percent change of the valueofthe famous MEME stocks such as AMC, Gamestop, and Tesla. Browsethelatest news with the in-app news feed. Stay up to date onthelatest events for meme stock news. Enter in how much of eachmemestock you own to easily see the value of it in USD everytimeyouopen the app. No extras and bloat to clutter up the screen.Simplyjust AMC, Tesla, Gamestop prices and performance numbers.There isno easier way to track your wallstreet bets meme stocks.Dark andLight Theme available in the settings. The Meme stockportfoliotracker has the available language settings: English,Spanish,Portuguese, French, German
Kidney Friendly Recipes - Kidn 1.0.0
Prestige Worldwide Apps, Inc
Renal diet recipes for people with kidney disease. Boost kidneyfunction.
My Doge Coin Tracker Portfolio
Prestige Worldwide Apps, Inc
Quick Price and Portfolio value for Dogecoin (DOGE) Coin Token
Vore - Carnivore Diet Tracking 1.1.0
Prestige Worldwide Apps, Inc
Track Meals, Symptoms, Mood & Recipes during acarnivoreelimination diet
Samo Coin Portfolio Tracker 1.2.2
Prestige Worldwide Apps, Inc
Quick Price and Portfolio value for Samoyedcoin (SAMO) Coin TokenonSolana
Think & Goal Rich Daily Review 1.1.1
Prestige Worldwide Apps, Inc
Improve Mindset & Self-Image by Goal Statement Visualization